Chair of Accounting Department and Associate Professor of Accounting
Accounting & Taxation
Barney School of Businessjtang@z3312.com 860.768.5301 A 406C
PhD in Accounting, University of Massachusetts Lowell
MS in Accounting, Boston College
BA in Economics and Finance, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Jenna Tang is the Chair of the Accounting Department and Associate Professor of Accounting. She teaches Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, and Ethics for Accounting Professionals.
Her research interests include:
- Financial reporting quality
- Audit quality
- Big data
Tang, J.J., H. Han and Q. Tang (2021). Goodwill Impairment, Securities Analysts, and Information Transparency. Published online at European Accounting Review.
Tang, J. J., Quayes, M. S., & Joseph, G. (2019). Microfinance institutions, financial intermediation and the role of deposits. Accounting and Finance, http://doi.org/10.1111/acfi.12506.
Tang, J.J., and Karim, K. (2018). Financial fraud detection and big data analytics – implications on auditors’ use of fraud brainstorming session. Managerial Auditing Journal, http://doi.org/10.1108/MAJ-01-2018-1767.
Tang, J.J., Bouges, J., and Karim, K. (2018). Corporate social responsibility performance under various economic conditions. International Journal of Sustainable Economy, 10(2), 123-152.
Tang, J.J., and Karim, K. (2017). Big data in business analytics: Implications for the audit profession. The CPA Journal, 87(6), 34-39.
Tang, J.J., and Karim, K. (2017). Big data in accounting. Internal Auditing, 32 (2): 29-31.